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“Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  – Matthew 19:14 

Jesus lifts up children an example of unquestioning faith. We desire to nurture that faith in our children and in ourselves.  Through our Sunday School program, we seek to help our children grow spiritually, develop a relationship with Jesus as well as their Christian brothers and sisters, and to nurture faith that is built on the Word of God. 

We are trying something new this year!  

We are going to have multi-generational Sunday School (Vacation Bible School style with a Bible story, music, and crafts) on the first Sunday of each month.  Children and parents will meet in the basement at 8:30a  

Catechism classes (grades 6 through 8) will meet weekly in the confirmation room at 8:30a. See the link here for more information.

High School students will meet in the basement kitchen.

Our Adult class is meeting in the Social Hall (upstairs).  They are currently viewing the video series "The Chosen".  This class is open to all. 

Sunday School at St. John is held from the Sunday after Labor Day until the Sunday before Memorial Day (i.e. roughly during the school year).  If you would like to know more about Sunday School at St. John, please contact the church office.