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Picture Directory 1969

This file (PDF download link here) is a digitized copy of the 1969 picture directory.  It includes a message from the pastor, pictures of the congregation based on the Lord's Prayer theme, and photographs of families.    Thank you to Carol Tank's family who gave this back to St. John when she died (8/7/2022).


Picture Directory 1983

This file (PDF download link here) is a digitized copy of the 1983 picture directory.  St. John was celebrating its centennial that year.  There are photos of congregational life, messages from the pastors, and recognition of national church officers in the front.  The "picture directory" part is at the end of the document.  Thank you to Carol Tank's family who gave this back to St. John when she died (8/7/2022).

Picture Directory 1993

This file (PDF download link here) is a digitized copy of the 1993 picture directory.  There are photos of different groups in the congregation (Sunday school teachers, Church Council, etc.), a few pictures of congregational life, a message from the pastor, and all the families of the congregation.  Thank you to Carol Tank's family who gave this back to St. John when she died (8/7/2022).

Picture Directory 1997

This file (PDF download link here) is a digitized copy of the 1997 picture directory.  The directory opens with pictures of the church staff, followed by pictures of congregational life, and finally photographs of all the families of the congregation.  Thank you to Carol Tank's family who gave this back to St. John when she died (8/7/2022).

125th Anniversary Celebration

This video collection of historic photographs was released on DVD for the 125th Anniversary Celebration of St. John on November 2, 2008

"For 125 years the people of St. John have displayed amazing, spirit-led resolve to accomplish some great things in the name of God.  St. John has been a place of learning and worship, a place out of which Christian witness has spread.  That vision for mission and reaching out continues at St. John."